42 Also two Sanderlings in summer plumage were seen . The gravel pits are a very interesting habitat as there are a few small islands. Here we saw a Reeve and at least two or three Common Sand- pipers. One Member also saw a Yellow Wagtail. At one end of the gravel pits a Reed Warbler was feeding young and we were lucky to observe a fledgling at close quarters. Some of the islands had Ringed Plover on them, including a Little Ringed Plover observed before the meeting started. At the end of the meeting 46 birds had been recorded, a good total. This is a very interesting area and will be visited again in 1985. MIKE PARKER Lax flowered sea lavender (Limonium humile) was found, as was a specimen of the Horse Mushroom (Agaricus arvensis). TONY BONIFACE RE PORT ON ESSEX FIELD CLUB FIELD TRIP TO RUNNING WATER WOOD, AVELEY, FOR MOTH TRAPPING 18th August, 1984 Moth trapping trips are apparently a new venture for the Essex Field Club, and it is therefore pleasing to be able to report on the success of this venture. Mercury vapour lamps were set up in the wood, which is run as a Country Park by the Essex County Council, on the Friday evening,- and Members turned up early the next morning to examine the catch. Those who followed the