46 NEW MEMBERS 1984 MR. P. LAMBERT EPPING MAMMALS BATS MR. G. PARR PLAISTOW GENERAL MR. M.D. WORTLEY WITHAM ORNITHOLOGY BOTANY CORRECTION P.47 Spring 1984 Bulletin Number 29 - For Mrs. H.C. Delmann which should have read Mrs. H.C. Oelmann. We welcome all these New Members to the Club and hope they have many enjoyable years with us, MIKE PARKER Published by the Essex Field Club The Passmore Edward's Museum London E15 4LZ Editorial Address Tony Boniface 40 Pentland Avenue Chelmsford CM1 4AZ (0245 266316) COPY FOR NEXT ISSUE BY 1ST MAY, 1985 AND PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ARTICLES FOR EASY READING! RECORDERS ARCHAEOLOGY Miss P.M. Wilkinson BA DIP ARCH Principal Assistant Curator Archaeology and Local History Passmore Edward's Museum Romford Road E15 4LZ FLOWERING PLANTS AND BRYOPHYTES K.J. Adams BSc PhD 63 Wroths Path Baldwins Kill Loughton IG10 1SH Tel 01-508 7863 FRESHWATER ALGAE J.H. Belcher PhD DSc Culture