1 EDITORIAL ---------- This edition marks the end of my presidency. I am pleased to welcome our new President, Col. A. M. Emmet. I hope that he will enjoy his period of office as much as I have. I also wish to thank Pam Jermyn, who has retired to Newbury, for her valuable work as Meetings' Secretary. Our thanks are also due to David Corke, who is retiring as Editor of the Essex Naturalist after the next edition, which will be ready in July. We also welcome the new Editor, who will be Mark Hanson. Once again I would like to thank the contributor of the articles and Joanna Foley and Nancy Bath for the illustrations. Also thanks are due to Sheila Leswell for doing the typing, and to my band of helpers who so willingly assemble the magazine and get it ready for posting. Please take note of the following alterations to the programme in July 1985:- Friday, 5th July or Saturday, 6th July Mammal Group - Bat Netting. Change of Leader to Peter Leswell Ingatestone 353917 Saturday, 14th July General Meeting - Ray Island Change of Leader to Tony Boniface Chelmsford 266316 Please let me have articles for the next edition by 1st October, 1985. TONY BONIFACE ISSN 0264-6730