17 Unfortunately the literature available to assist identification is limited. "The Mycetozoa'' by Lister is now a rare secondhand book, costing around £60. An up-to-date and more or less complete 'book is "The Myxomycetes" by Martin and Alexopoulos. Published in 1969 by The University of Iowa Press, it is still in print at around £40. For the members who wish to have finds identified without such expenditure, the writer will happily try to assist if specimens are sent to him at:- 100 Green End Road, Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP1 1RT. A. J. R. SNELLING ESSEX GRASSHOPPERS AND THEIR ALLIES As I have just been accepted for the post of Orthoptera Recorder for the Field Club, I thought a few notes on my aims for the foreseeable future may help to encourage field naturalists to observe and assist in the recording of this fascinating group of insects. One of the most encouraging aspects of the Grasshoppers and their Allies as far as identi- fication is concerned, is their large size, all of them being upwards of 1 cm. in length. They have this amazing ability to jump, which makes them easily detectable, as well as easily