20 HOW TO GET TO WILDLIFE AREAS IN ESSEX This article is for those of us without our own transport, to travel to the main interesting wildlife places of Essex. I have included Ordnance Survey map numbers of the areas which are essential to finding these places. The walking times given are only approximate and are based on a steady pace. It shouldn't need me to tell you that,as you have no car to run to, sensible clothing must be worn, and it is advisable to check with the station on train times. River Stour This is an area of Saltmarsh and mudflats on the Essex/Suffolk border and also includes the interesting Stour Wood. The main attraction is wintering wildfowl and waders. B.R. Station Wrabness (change at Manningtree on Liverpool Street Line) Walking time: 5 minutes 0 S. Map 169. The Naze This is an area of Saltmarsh and mudflats, also including the John Weston Reserve of scrub, and sandy beaches. This area is interesting all year round especially during spring and autumn when a variety of migrants appear. In winter there are large gatherings of wildfowl and waders and in summer little terns breed. A variety of fossils may be found in the cliffs and beach. B.R. Station Walton on the Naze (change at Thorpe Le Soken on Liverpool Street Line) Walking time:30 minutes O.S. Map 169 Hamford Water This lies next to the Naze and consists of a