21 large area of Saltmarsh and mudflats, of which the main attraction is the wintering wildfowl and waders. B.R. Station Kirby Cross (change at Thorpe Le Soken on Liverpool Street Line) Walking time: 30 minutes O.S. Map 169. Essex Chalklands High rolling hills in north west Essex, mostly made up of arable farmland with a few wooded areas that managed to escape the M 11. There is a good variety of wildlife here; stone curlew have bred here and dotterel have been spotted on passage, but the most important attraction is that of deer, of which a variety may be seen. The best area is the woods around Strethall. B.R. Station Audley End (Liverpool Street Line) Walking time: 30 minutes (though you just need to step out of the station to be in the country- side) O.S. Map 154. Dengie Flats Perhaps the wildest place in Essex. A massive area of Saltmarsh and mudflats. The main attraction is birdlife throughout the year, especially during passage, when a good variety may be seen. The north (Sales Point) and south (Holliwell Point) edges of the area are well worth looking out to sea from during easterly winds (preferably when it's not raining!). B.R. Station Burnham on Crouch (change at Wickford on Liverpool Street Line) Walking time: Not for the unfit. It will take only 15 minutes to reach the River Crouch, but about 11/2 hours' slog to reach the Dengie proper Q.S. Map 168.