28 April 6.4.84 Water Rail (1)- Hanningfield Reservoir R.A.M. (also seen by M.T.F. on 20.4.84) 8.4.84 White Wagtail (1) - Hanning- field Reservoir M.T.F. (These Wagtails are more often seen in Europe, where they replace our Pied Wagtail) Black Redstart (1) - Hanning field Reservoir M.T.F. 14.4.84 Green Sandpiper (1), King- fisher (2) - Ingatestone Sewage Farm R.A.M 23.4.84 Swift - Hanningfield Reservoir M.T.F. By the end of April Cuckoo, Chiffchaff, Tree Pipit, Willow Warbler, Swallow had all been recorded in the Mill Green area M.T.P. May 6.5.84 Whimbrel (2), Bar Tailed Godwit (15)- East Tilbury M.T.F. 7.5.84 Black Tern (2), Spotted Flycatcher (1) - Hanningfield Reservoir M.T.F. 20.5.84 Nightingale - Cock Lane High Wood M.T.P. This was the first record here for about 4-5 years.