30 During very mild spells Song Thrush and Blackbird were heard singing. December 2.12.84 Avocet (1 imm.), Ruff (1) - M.T.F. & Hanningfield Reservoir R.A.M. 9.12.84 Hen Harrier (1 female) - Rainham Marsh R.A.M. Great Grey Shrike (1) - East Tilbury R.A.M. 23.12.84 Purple Sandpiper (3), Lapland M.T.F. & Bunting (2) - Holland Haven RAM. Twite (20)- Colne Point M.T.F. & R.A.M. Other Records Received 1. 29th August from Mr. C. I. Mansfield - Osprey over Chigborough Lakes, E N.T. Reserve. 2. Hobby reported again from a locality in Essex. 3. Mr. J. Friedlein of North Fambridge has sent these short reports:- (a) very few Field Fare in December, but many more Redwings - he reported that this was the opposite of 1983. (b) 14.8.1984 Pied Flycatcher and Whimbrel on the marsh (c) Mr. Friedlein also reported seeing Red Admiral and Small Tortoiseshell butterflies on the wing 30.11.1984 and would