32 its passage, winter and breeding birds, including the Ringed Plover and Little Tern, are of interest. Wardens are usually busiest at weekends, when holiday makers tend to wander on to the reserve and disturb the nesting birds. On week days fewer people reach the reserve and there is often time to study the ecology of the area, as well as helping with recording, construction and maintenance work. Students and unemployed persons receive £5 per week, an honorarium towards expenses. This is usually received by post about a month after their stay. If you are interested in spending 1-3 weeks (Wednesday to Wednesday) on this reserve, and would like further information, please contact:- Miss M. Hollings, 17 Kents Avenue, Holland-on Sea, Essex, C015 5XG. WHITE-LETTER HAIRSTREAK BUTTERFLY PROJECT The World Wildlife Fund, with grant aid and working in conjunction with the British Butterfly Conservation Society, is setting up a number of both short and long term projects involving research into the ecology, and the conservation, of our native butterfly species. One of these projects, which is being undertaken by the West Midlands Group of the BBCS, concerns