3 4 land where access is not possible (e.g from gamekeepers). What is a Record We would like a note of the name of the species, the date of the sighting and the precise locality (ideally including a grid reference). Reason for the Project It is essential to gain basic information on distribution and population levels in order to formulate conservation policies, and to enable assessment of species lists from ecologically sensitive areas. Where to Send Records Please send WRITTEN records only to:- MAMMAL ATLAS, Passmore Edwards Museum, Romford Road, Stratford, London, E15 4LZ. SECRETARY'S REPORT FOR 1984 The Council of the Club met four times during 1984. Membership at the end of the year was 340, 30 names having been removed as no subscription was paid. The Annual General Meeting was held on 31st March, 1984, and Mr. A. Boniface, the President of the Club, gave a talk on the Natural History of the River Chelmer.