35 During 1984 the Club arranged 37 meetings. Ten of these were General Meetings and included four indoor illustrated talks. Mrs. Betty Loring told us about plant lore, Mr. John Dobson about bats in Essex, while Mr. Brian Brehaut's talk about natural history photography was followed by a practical demonstration Mr. Michael Bamlett gave a lecture on geology, entitled 'The Earth Machine". The outdoor General Meetings included ones on moths and spiders, and the annual fungus foray. During the year the Bird Group held 9 meetings throughout the county and the Geology Group 2. The Botany Group arranged 7 meetings, including a memorable day at Skippers Island, and visiting Garnetts Wood for the first time. The Mammal Group organised 6 meetings, including mammal tracking, bat netting, a hunt for amphibia and reptiles in Epping Forest and a continuation of the deer survey. One joint meeting between these two groups involved mammal trapping, followed by a fungus foray. Two issues of the Bulletin were published, edited by Mr. A. Boniface. Three new Recorders have been appointed during the year. Miss P. Wilkinson is Recorder for Archaeology following the death of Mr. L. S. Harley, and Mr. C. Plant is Recorder for Fungi, taking over from Mr. G. Kibby who has gone abroad. Dr. P. Kirby is Recorder for Heteroptera. SHEILA LESWELL