41 BIRD GROUP MEETING, BLAKES WOOD, DANBURY, 24th February, 1985 Fourteen members attended this meeting. After the recent frosts and snow it was a real delight to be able to stand and listen to some of our resident woodland birds. The sun shone for all the morning and it became pleasantly warm. Near the parked cars we were able to see and hear Great Tit and Robin in full song. Making our way through this wood, owned by the National Trust, we also heard and saw a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. High up in some Alder trees we saw some small Tit-like birds. After considerable searching we came to the conclusion that they were either Marsh or Willow Tit; as they did not call no definite conclusion could be made. In one part of the wood, a very muddy part, a Fox crossed the pathway, after stopping to look at us I A Green Woodpecker and Great Spotted Woodpecker were heard, but not seen. In a clearing near a house, a Brimstone Butterfly was seen, surely a very early record after such a hard winter. Whilst making our way to the highest part of the wood, we flushed out a Woodcock, which must have been very near to the path. Other birds seen and heard were as follows:- Dunnock, Blue Tit, Coal Tit, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Magpie, Jay, Wren, House Sparrow, Wood Pigeon. There was a noticeable absence of any of the Finches. At the end of a very pleasant morning we noted that 16 different species had been seen or heard. MICHAEL PARKER