42 POND DIPPING FOR AMPHIBIANS, AUBREY BUXTON RESERVE, STANSTED, 14th April 1985 Eighteen members met at the Reserve at 10.30 a.m. on a somewhat cool, dull morning with a north- westerly breeze. The party started by visiting the pond near the Warden's hut, where a small amount of hatched Frog spawn was seen. In the next pond more Frog spawn was seen along the eastern edge and this was more plentiful, as was Toad spawn, which was also seen. The third pond produced a male Great Crested Newt and many Common Toads were found under logs and debris in this area. After a break for lunch, dipping continued in two small ponds in the centre of the Reserve, the second of which produced one male and two female Great Crested Newts. These Newts are a protected species and. it was good to find them on the Reserve. The gravel ponds on the eastern side of the Reserve were found to contain large numbers of Common Newts. The Palmate Newt, so common in Epping Forest, was absent. Apart from amphibians a Chiffchaff was heard, Common Flycatchers seen, and also two Rabbits and two Grey Squirrels observed. DAVID SCOTT REQUEST FOR AMPHIBIAN/REPTILE RECORDS I should be grateful for records of amphibians and their breeding this spring. Any record, however, small, is welcome. Even newts found dead in the road could be sent by post or any records of Frog spawn in garden ponds. Reptile records also, please.