45 chased by a couple of crows. At the picturesque pond by Carroll's Farm we saw our first swallows, hunting across the water. The old Green Lane nearby -- once quite important as a droving route to market - now has three imposing houses along its route, replacing the two dilapidated clapboard cottages of 20 years ago . Lunch stop was 'The Owl" and those with sharp eyes and binoculars spotted a pair of unidentified birds of prey with scimitar wings, chasing one another and playing in the air currents over the forest. Our route back was quicker, covering the public footpaths of the locals' Five fields walk' across parts of the West Essex Golf Course and past the ponds of Ludgate House, where we heard and saw curlews pottering in the mud of the duck enclosures. Dull but dry weather made a pleasant day's walk. IRENE BUCHAN BIRD GROUP MEETING, OLD HALL MARSHES, TOLLESBURY, 28th April, 1985 Seven members assembled at the appointed map reference at 11 a.m., for a visit to this new R.S.P.B. Reserve, acquired in February 1985. By the road we were all able to listen to the distinct song of a Lesser Whitethroat, perhaps the first of the season for some of us. It was a very cold walk to the sea wall and it proved