46 to be cold all day, but sunny at the same time. As the tide was on its way out we were able to see Redshank, many Dunlin and a good sighting of Grey Plover in summer plumage. The bright sunshine enabled us to see the dark black colour of the breasts. One or two Turnstone and Ringed Plover were also seen at this point. Every now and again we stopped in the hope of seeing either Sand Martins or House Martins, but none were seen. However, four Swallows and exactly the same number of Whimbrel (one gave its distinct call) were in flight with some Curlew so that we could compare the size. Other birds seen were Oyster Catcher, Reed Bunting, Great Crested Grebe, Cormorant and Lapwing. Finally we were pleased to hear a single Sedge Warbler. At the end of the day, a sunny and very cold one. 31 different species had been seen. M. T. PARKER STOP PRESS Can you give earlier dates than these:- 5th April Chiffchaff Mill Green M.T.P. 6th April Willow Warbler Mill Green M.T.P. 8th April Swallow Hanningfield W.Carter House Martin Reservoir 9th April Blackcap Warley Place M.T.P. 25th April Cuckoo Toot Hill G.Smith Margareting