1 EDITORIAL By the time that you will be reading this Bulletin you will have received the latest Essex Naturalist and will appreciate that it was an expensive journal to produce. Regrettably the Council has had to raise the subscription rate in order to maintain the standard and frequency of our publications. I sincerely hope that you will consider them worth the extra expense. Once again I would like to thank Joanna Foley for the cover and all the contributors for their articles and illustrations. Thanks also to Sheila Leswell for doing the typing. Please let me have articles for the next edition by 1st May, 1986. TONY BONIFACE ISSN 0264-6730 Information from the General Secretary Mrs. Sheila Leswell. 19 Church Road, Mountnessing, Brentwood, Essex, CM15 0TH. Telephone:- Ingatestone 353917