22 Winter trees were silhouetted on the skyline far afield, eyes were searching all expectant at what the evening might reveal. Fearing the lateness of the hour we stood in silent awe, breathing in the desolation, absorbing beauty that we saw. When gently rising, a shape familiar - a spread of wings on cushioned air, gliding softly to the fading distance, lone guardian of harriers roosting there. Taking leave with no word spoken we retraced footsteps to the green, deep in thought; lost in the moment, priviledged observers of the scene. Feeling trespassers in nature, two intruders of the night, we cast one final long look backward where harriers roost - all is right. MARGARET MITCHELL BAT NEWS During 1985 the bat study has continued with 2 bats new to the survey being discovered, and a hibernation site protected, although the national decline continues. In January a bat was found in a bedroom at White Roding. The occupants took several