24 weeks later from a Galleywood bathroom. This bat was starving as a result of the poor spring, fed ravenously on mealworms, and was released after two days' captivity. Another Leisler's from Ongar came to light in July, so perhaps this elusive species which had only been recorded on a handful of occasions in Essex previously is more common than we think. Leisler's have been seen in flight at both Wanstead and Felstead - this during an Essex Field Club field meeting. Most attention during the summer is paid to Pipistrelles in domestic properties and a lot of new colonies have been reported this year. Unfortunately at established colonies the numbers seem to be down on previous years, and with late breeding this year and a wet autumn, there will probably be a high mortality rate for young bats hibernating for the first time. Of other species, two new Serotine roosts in Wickford and Hullbridge have been found and a Noctule roost in an ash tree in Little Baddow had 53 bats during August. As previously, all records of roosts or corpses should be reported to John Dobson on Danbury 4408. JOHN DOBSON