25 MORE ORNITHOLOGICAL RECORDS RECEIVED 1985 1. 24.7.1985 Whimbrel (3) at North Fam- bridge. (last year 27.7.84) J. Friedlein 2. 24.7.1985 Mr. Friedlein reported that he had seen Swallows congregating on tele- phone wires in North Fambridge. Has anyone else noticed this? Report please. 3. Hythe Marshes, near Colchester. Little Ringed Plover nesting. I. Misselbrook 4. Langenhoe. Short eared Owls breeding I. Misselbrook 5. Cetti's Warblers reported from Fingring- hoe Wick. I. Misslbrook 6. Nightingale. May 6th. Cock Lane, Fryerning. Also heard Writtle Park and at Dawn Chorus, Mill Green 2nd June, 1985. 7. Pied Flycatcher. North Fambridge J . Friedlein I am very grateful to those who have sent in these records. Any more for 1985 Will be published in the next Bulletin. Infor- mation is required about Nightingales, pleas MICHAEL PARKER ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BIRD GROUP 1984-1985 Once again the Field Club Bird Group has travelled throughout the county in search of