27 interesting waders such as Purple Sandpiper, Black-tailed Godwit, Whimbrel, Greenshank, Little Stint and Ruff, plus Woodcock, Hen Harrier, Short-eared Owl and Snow Bunting. The Secretary estimates the Group has recorded 136 species in the 1984-5 season. For 1985-6 we shall continue with traditional coastal haunts, perhaps changing the season of our visits for variation of migratory species, and add the odd new location if car parking can be arranged. Suggestions are always welcome. The Secretary would like to thank Michael Parker, Ian Misselbrook and John Bath for leading the field meetings, and the immediate past President, Tony Boniface, for his continuous support of the Group. MARTIN HENRY APOLOGY FOR MISPRINTS IN 'THE LARGER MOTHS AND BUTTERFLIES OF ESSEX' The authors would like to apologize to Mrs. Kate Rowland for using her maiden name (Hawkins) in the acknowledgements on page 5. and also for failing to acknowledge that the section on New House Farm on page 29 was written by her, and not by Jeremy Heath.