3 2 silted up and covered by reeds. At a conservative estimate, this one pond could contain over 100,000 m3 of soil as a result of erosion of the local slopes. This is only one of many such silted up ponds, but it does give some idea of the scale of the past soil erosion of the local slopes This is only one of many such silted up ponds, but it does give some idea of the scale of the past soil erosion in this area. It also points to the potential dangers of the renewed, larger scale soil erosion, such as is occurring on the South Downs. Change of address Please note the following change of address from 16 Goodwood Avenue, Enfield to:- 13 Churchgate, Cheshunt, Herts. EN8 9NB. (telephone Waltham Cross 30661) PETER ALLEN THE DAWN CHORUS. 2ND JUNE, 1985 This was the first time such a meeting had been held by the Club in recent times, and it proved to be more than an experience for those who attended. Seven members arrived at 3.30 a.m. on Mill Green Common opposite the Cricketers (not open at this hour of the