40 origin), long known from the Quarry. Nearby, the only example of Stinking Iris (Iris foetidissima) may, at last, be spreading; one or two seedlings were visible. Also in the climax woodland to the south of the reserve, Sanicle (San- icula europaea) has recently been recorded for the first time. The final leg of the nature trail ended at the south-eastern corner, near the barrier with the housing development. This is probably the oldest section of woodland now remaining. Here a tunnel, previously linking this to an adjacent quarry, has been bricked-off some way along its length, and will shortly be sealed at the opening by a metal grill or plate. Negotiations are underway to modify the inside of the tunnel to suit roosting bats, providing them with a place of entry and exit, which will also be vandal-proof. The future of the reserve is still somewhat in the balance, though the prospects are good that a twenty-one year lease will shortly be signed between the Essex Naturalists' Trust and Blue Circle, the landowners. This is the minimum that could have been hoped for, after ten years of action and anguish experienced by local conservationists concerned with the fate of this unique place. STEVE PREWER