42 naturalized, including Apple, Honeysuckle, Hebe, Mock Orange, roses and Lawson's Cypress. Some parts of the island are higher than the rest and are inhabited by less salt-loving species. One animal that attracted my attention was the Nursery Web Spider (Pisaura mirabilis). The female was standing guard on the outside of her nursery tent with her two front legs in a characteristic position held close together. The island proved to be a peaceful location and on this occasion the tides were very low and access was easy. TONY BONIFACE DRAGON-FLY MEETING, 27TH JULY, 1985 For once in this wet summer the weather defied the grim predictions of the fore- casters. Much of the day was fine and sunny with only one substantial shower. Our day began with a visit to the Back- warden Reserve of the Essex Naturalists' Trust. A brief 'foray' into the reserve yielded magnificent views of a fine male specimen of Aeshna cyanea (the Southern Hawker dragon-fly) - one of our largest and most vividly coloured species. Several specimens of the common damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum) were also seen as well as Aeshna grandis (the Brown Hawker), which was 'hawking' for its insect prey in the main open, heathy area of the reserve.