46 Barley (Hordeum secalinum) and the short fat spike to the Sea Barley (Hordeum marinum). The Common Salt-Marsh Grass (Puccinellia maritima) was present, of course, in this salt marshy environment. Other salt loving plants identified were the Mud Rush (Juncus gerardi), the Sea Club Rush (Scirpus maritimus) and the Sea Arrow Grass (Triglochin maritima). One interesting leguminous plant was examined in fruit, namely the Strawberry HeadedClover (Trifolium fragiferum). A conspicuous Crucifer was Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) . Our thanks go to Ken Adams for leading the meeting despite ill health on such a wet day . TONY BONIFACE GENERAL MEETING AT HIGH WOOD, DUDDENHOE END 10TH AUGUST, 1985 High Wood is situated on the chalk in the extreme north-west of the county. The land is privately owned but the timber is managed by the Forestry Commission. Consequently most of it is coniferous, though there are amenity belts of deciduous trees along most of the broad and flowery rides. The wood is noted for its deer and, until recently, there was a raised hide from which they could be watched. In spite of a discouraging weather forecast and heavy rain during the earlier part of