5S TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB Once again it is the lot of the Treasurer to pass on unpleasant news to all members, including himself, that membership fees will have to go up. I could bore you with stories of rising costs, hiring of halls, postage, etc., etc., but I am sure that all members are intelligent enough to realise that costs have risen considerably since the last increase five years ago. The Council have discussed the matter thoroughly and the increases are effective from 1st January, 1986 and are as follows:- Members £7.50 Family Subscription £8.50 Students £3.00 Included in the Bulletin is a pro forma banker's order. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE fill this in and hand in to your bank NOW and not tomorrow. This saves enormously on postage and any reminders which have to be sent out and saves the Club literally hundreds of pounds over the years. Personally, even with the increased sub- scriptions, this still represents very good value, especially when there are such excellent publications as the recently published Essex Naturalist and the twice yearly Bulletin. JOHN TOLLFREE