1 EDITORIAL IMPORTANT PLEASE READ A number of problems have arisen with the programme this year and unavoidable changes have had to be made. Could all members intending to attend a meeting please PHONE the leader beforehand to avoid disappointment. For instance, the Geology Meeting on Saturday 14th June is now being held on Saturday 28th June, so please 'phone Peter Allen beforehand. My thanks to Joanna Foley for another excellent cover and to all the contributors for their articles and illustrations. Also thanks to Sheila Leswell for doing the typing. Please let me have articles for the next edition by 1st October 1986. TONY BONIFACE ISSN 0264-6730 Information from the General Secretary: Mrs. Sheila Leswell, 19 Church Road, Mountnessing Brentwood, Essex, CM15 0TH. Telephone Ingatestone 353917