8 Course area. Adders, the most shy of our snakes, occur in Epping Forest, still in good numbers: also in Reserve land at Danbury and Holland Pits Reserve. Four Adders were recorded from Weeley, seen basking on the railway embankment, a new record. The Grass Snake shows a shortage of records for 1985, but I have found them at Waltham Abbey and Nazeing in the Regional Park. They also occur on a number of Trust Reserves where there is water for them to catch their aquatic food of Frogs, Newts and Fish. Being sometimes large and easily seen, I am afraid they are often still feared and are killed on sight by the general public. As mentioned earlier, a number of the animals have been recorded from waste land where they are obviously very vulnerable to any development plans. The further establishment of Nature Reserves is of paramount importance if these animals are to survive, due to their rather specialized habitat requirements. Finally, may I thank again all those people who kindly sent me records of amphibians and reptiles. Please keep recording and passing on the information vital to building up our knowledge of Essex Wildlife. I am always pleased to help in the event of difficulty in identification of specimens. Please write or telephone for help.