14 visitors to the Roding Valley . The Roding Valley meadows are very special to Essex because they are thought to be the last large area of flood and hay meadow left in the county. Areas such as this must have stretched the length of many river valleys: little by little the meadows have disappeared until only isolated fragments remain. We will probably never know how much of this habitat has been lost, but by good fortune a part of this historic landscape survives, a living link with our ancient past and a great legacy to be handed to future generations. MARK HANSON ESSEX PLACE NAMES QUIZ Each of the following phrases should suggest the name of a place in Essex. A book token of £4 is offered for the first correct answer received at the Editor's address. 1 . Unattractive 2 . Now sold out 3. The dog's doing it 4. Little Edward's container 5 . Ail ing car 6 . Buried 7. Police crossing 8. River with heather 9. Lecturer after a herb