20 more intensive operations than parks and perhaps there will be less scope for escapes but I am sure there will be some. Shooting/Poaching Both of these can cause deer to disperse over a wider range. There certainly appears to be an increase in the number of people who own stalking rifles and want to stalk, and my feeling is that there is more stalking carried out than ten years ago. However, deer management still seems unfashionable in Essex and is conducted on a piecemeal basis. Poaching, thankfully, does not appear to be a major problem, but we must remain watchful. Dogs There have been spates of deer being killed by dogs. It was very bad in the Harlow area a few years ago with several pregnant fallow does being killed by dogs in a little over a week. It was not clear if they were stray dogs in a pack, dogs let out for exercise, or dogs deliberately run on deer. It is important that dogs be kept firmly under close control in deer areas in May and June. Cars Road traffic accidents still take their reg- ular toll, mainly of fallow, but also muntjac are becoming more common casualties. Most accidents involving deer are not reported as there is no legal requirement and so the full toll will never be known. From the records obtained most accidents occur in west Essex, from Epping to Saffron