28 1.12.85 Hooded Crow - May- meads TL 451115 A.G. 7.12.85 White Fronted Geese in flight over North Fambridge J.F. 14.12.85 Arctic Skua (1), Guillemot (2) - South- end Pier M.F. 31.12.85 Pomarine Skua (1) - Hanningfield Reservoir M.F. 2.12.85 Bittern - Maymeads TL 451115 A.G. Records for 1986 7.4.86 Golden Oriole - north east Harlow TL 466110 A.G. Whimbrel (2) - Hunsdon Mead Reserve A.G. 28.4.86 Swallows - North Fambridge J.F. 4.5.86 Blackcap, Swift, Whimbrel - North Fambridge J.F. I am very grateful to those who sent in records. In particular to R.M. (Roger Matthews), M.F. (Mark Frisby, A.G. (Alf Gudgion and J.F. (J. Friedlein). There are some interesting records here, e.g. note Hobby, which is now known to