29 breed in the county; Hooded Crow, not very often seen; Pomarine Skua; Bittern; and Blue Throat - an interesting record. Other notes of interest Mr. Jack Friedlein, a regular member who sends in or 'phones in interesting records, has told me about Redwings around his farm at North Fambridge in February, 1986 dying in quite large numbers during the cold spell which started in early February. I would like to thank also those members who have assisted in leading meetings during 1985. MICHAEL PARKER STOP PRESS - ORNITHOLOGICAL RECORDS Can you beat it? Chiff-chaff - Birch Lake, 31st March, 1986 Wheatear - Abberton Reservoir, 23rd March, 1986 From I. Misselbrook SECRETARY'S REPORT FOR 1985 During 1985 Council met four times. The membership of the Club on 10th January, 1986 was 336. There were 18 new members and 15 had resigned.