30 The Annual General Meeting was held on 30th March, when Mr. Tony Boniface, the retiring President, gave his Presidential Address 'The Essex Way' illustrated with many slides. In 1985 41 meetings were arranged. There were 11 General Meetings, including 3 indoor talks. Mr. Bob Reed gave a lecture on bird song recording, Mr. Roger Tabor on the wild life of the domestic cat, and Dr. David Corke on African mammals. A trip to Wicken Fen, the Fungus Foray and entomology at High Wood, Duddenhoe End were outdoor General Meetings. Dragonflies were the subject of a successful meeting at Danbury, and a Boxing Day ramble was organ- ised. The Geology Group held two meetings, one in Sussex and one in the Ipswich area. Deer and badger watching, and bat netting were arranged by the Mammal Group, and pond dipping at the Aubrey Buxton Reserve was particularly interesting as several great crested newts were found, which had not been recorded there. Dr. David Corke gave an illustrated talk on African mammals. Alto- gether there were eight Mammal Group meetings The Ornithology Group arranged eight meetings throughout the county. Unfortunately attendances were poor, possibly due to bad weather. For the first time for many years a dawn chorus meeting was held. Nine meetings were held by the Botany Group, including the first visit for several years