31 to Grays Chalk Quarry. Issue No. 8 of the Essex Naturalist series was published. This was "The Larger Moths and Butterflies of Essex" by Col. Maitland Emmet and Mr. G. Pyman, assisted by Dr. David Corke. Mr. Tony Boniface edited two issues of the Bulletin. Mr. Mark Hanson won an award in the Essex Archaeological and Historical Congress Amenity Award Scheme for Naturalist No. 7 on "Lords Bushes". Mr. Alan Wake was appointed Recorder for Orthoptera. SHEILA LESWELL REPORTS OF MEETINGS BOXING DAY RAMBLE For the first time since we started the Boxing Day Ramble, I had to cancel due to the weather. In fact we went to the venue and even the roads to Hainault were flooded. Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Darby for hopefully putting in an appearance. My thanks to all who 'phoned to check on the meeting. MAUREEN TOLLFREE