33 All the common dabbling ducks (including Pintail) except Shoveler were seen and diving duck included Scaup and Goldeneye. Our list included several feral birds now firmly established on the British list. The diminutive Ruddy Duck was well represent- ed by at least a dozen birds and a pair of colourful Egyptian Geese joined the usual Canadas. Over 40 wild White-Fronted Geese spent most of our visit asleep at the edge of the reeds whilst Greylags exploited the generosity of visiting families and fought for lumps of bread and biscuit. Waders were represented by Golden Plover, Lapwing, Snipe and Curlew and good views of Fieldfare and Redwing were all obtained in adjacent fields. A cold but certainly not a disappointing visit to this "five star" venue. IAN MISSELBROOK BIRD MEETING: COLNE POINT, 23rd February, 1936 Seven people braved freezing cold easterlies, frequent snow showers and frozen roads in order to visit this remote reserve. Most of the passerines and duck here in number before the freeze had disappeared but our efforts were amply rewarded.