42 Palmate Newts and a small amount of frog spawn. Our third stop was the Wake Valley area and in the main pond we found mating Toads in large numbers, a few pairs also in Little Wake Valley Pond, but a good number in the bomb crater mid-way between the two. This area is always short of Newts and none were seen in any of these waters. We finally returned to the Conservation Centre and walked across to Oak Plain Pond. Here, as on previous visits, the Palmate Newt was the dominant species, counting forty four against thirty Smooth Newts. At the end of the day we had netted Newt species as follows:- Great Crested Newts 13 Smooth Newts 62 Palmate Newts 67 DAVID SCOTT BIRD GROUP MEETING: FISHERS GREEN GRAVEL PITS, 27th April, 1986 Seven members travelled to the Essex/Hertford- shire border north of Waltham Abbey to this exciting 80 acre maze of flooded gravel pits on a cold day with some drizzle. Those that braved the weather were rewarded with all the spring migrants to be expected at this season.