1 AUTUMN 1986 NUMBER 34 EDITORIAL Our thanks go to all the leaders who have organised the outings and taught the dis- appointingly small numbers of members who have attended. The recording function of the Club continues, but its teaching function is handicapped by the small attendances, so please do come if you can. Next year we are hoping to attract people from all fields and all ages to Weald Park for a series of meetings on Natural History which Fiona Hughes has written about in this issue. We hope to meet many more of you there. It is with great regret that I report the sudden death of Nancy Bath who has contributed articles and illustrations to this Bulletin. She will be greatly missed. I would like to thank Ian Misselbrook for his service to the Club now that he has moved to Lincolnshire. Finally, we hope to see Mike Parker fit and well again next summer after his illness. My thanks to our contributors and to Joanna Foley for the cover and to Sheila Leswell for the typing. Please let me have articles for the next edition by 1st May., 1987. TONY BONIFACE ISSN 0264-6730