a look at the variety of fruits from fir cones to fungi, and the animals associated with them seasonal changes in an oak tree and its inhabitants microhabitats under logs, banks or leaf litter, etc. , etc. The venue is Weald Park, Brentwood (TQ 563948) and the first meeting is in the spring on Sunday, 26th April, 1987. For further information see the 1987 Field Club Programme, or contact me on Brent Pelham 404. FIONA HUGHES ESSEX CHURCHYARD CONSERVATION YEAR 1987 Organised by the Diocese of Chelmsford working closely with the Essex Naturalists' Trust and the B.S.B.I., Essex Churchyard Conservation Year will be launched in April 1987 with the dual aim of encouraging the management of churchyards for wildlife conservation and to educate the general public to appreciate churchyards managed for this purpose. Two features of the programme in particular are aimed at young people. 1. There will be a competition for those under