7 18 for the best natural history survey and account of an Essex churchyard. First prize will be a copy of the 3rd Edition of the Flora of the British Isles. The survey should follow the churchyard throughout the year and the closing date for entries will be 1st November, 1987. Application forms are available now from the Rev. Nigel Cooper, Glebe House, 19 Vicarage Road, Chelmsford, CM2 9PH. 2. Any primary school in Essex can write to the Essex Churchyard Conservation Group and request the services of a natural history expert to give one of their classes a guided natural history tour of their own parish churchyard during the period April to July, 1987. KEN ADAMS BATTING FOR ESSEX 1986 is National Bat Year and at county level has seen the continuation of the survey started in 1981. There have been, to date, 18 new 10 km. square records, several success stories and also a lot of records of corpses in spring and autumn, which may reflect either the bats response to the weather or an increased awareness by the public of the need to report bats. The breeding season proved that the more you study bats, the less you seem to know about them. The first "event" of the year was a survey