9 Also in July three dead Serotines were found at the roost in Wickford where four adjacent houses are used. In June a fifth house was being used, but this could not be located. The Highlight of the year (and perhaps the most frustrating incident) came in August. On the evening before I went on holiday, a lady from Danbury telephoned to say that she had bats and could I get rid of them. I looked in the loft space and found 10 Leisler's Bats clustered together - the first confirmed Essex colony, and one of only a handful known in the country. Eighteen bats emerged that evening with a few still left in the cavity wall. Unfortunately by the time I returned the bats had moved on although they are still in the area as recent sightings in Danbury and Little Baddow have proved. It is hoped that this colony can be re-found next year by means of a leaflet drop or local advertising. Since then dead Brown Long-Eared Bats have been reported from Stisted, Little Baddow, Thaxted and Thorpe-le-Soken, a moribund Daubenton's from Colchester and a similar Serotine from Pitsea. If anybody has any further information on bats in 1986 please contact me on Danbury 4408. JOHN DOBSON A CARNIVORE IN DECLINE? The Stoat (Mustela erminea) - a small, reddish-brown animal with a black tip to its