1 3 For the dung flies do not accumulate on the dung merely for sunbathing: the purpose is far more serious than that. They assemble in pursuit of romance - the aroma calling them in to a lovers' tryst. After brief preliminaries, mating takes place and then the female will lay her eggs in the dung and the early stages (the larva or maggot) will feed, consuming the dung with apparent relish. And so the cowpat has been the dance floor, the bedroom, the maternity ward, the restaurant and the kindergarten. You may well feel that dung is dung and, if you should step in it, well, of course, it is all much of a muchness, but if you were to eat it you would soon discern the subtle differences; from the smooth cowpat to the coarse horse dung, through the rather strongly flavoured badger, dog and fox, right down to the rabbit, and for the delicate palate of some of the smaller flies we have bird droppings. The big furry golden dung fly, Scathophaga sterceraria, will be found chiefly on cow dung, but occasionally on deposits of other mammals. Amongst these flies on cow pats you will also find the much smaller black flies that are loathe to take flight, preferring to run into the surrounding grasses. These are called Sphaerocerids , a large family of some one hundred species. Many Muscid-type flies will also be found, including the very distinctive Mesembrina meridiana, a large,shining,black fly with orange bases to the wings. All three British biting muscids, including the stable fly, breed in dung.