1 5 Set out below are the Essex lists of the two main dung fly families, Scathophagidae, with fifty three British and twenty one from Essex, and Sphaeroceridae with one hundred and seven British and no less than sixty two species recorded from Essex. Essex Sphaeroceridae Copromyza atra C . costalis C . equina C. fimetaria C. glacialis C. nitida C. pallifrons C. roserii C. simii is C. sordida C. stercoraria C. uncinata C. vitripennis Leptocera acutangula L. atomus L. bifrons L. brachystoma L. breviceps L. claviventris L. clunipes L. coenosa L. coxata L. curvinervis L. fenestral is L. ferruginata L. fontinalis L. fungicola L. fuscipennis L. heteroneura