19 ORNITHOLOGICAL RECORDS 1986 The following records of interest have been received during the spring and summer of 1986. Few members have contributed, and if members have any records of interest please forward them so that they can be published in the next Bulletin. 17.5.1986 Garden Warbler heard singing at the back of house on allotment plot, Canons Green, Mrs. M. Fyfield, Ongar Mitchell 18.5.1986 Nightingale heard singing at Cock Lane, Highfield. This was in the same place as in 1985. It would appear that nightingales are beginning to return to these woods. M.T.Parker 25.5.1986 White stork, Ingate- stone, in flight, flying west. M.T.Parker M. T. PARKER BOOK REVIEWS B.S.B.I. Handbook No. 5. Charophytes of Great Britain and Ireland, by Jennifer A. Moore. Published by the B.S.B.I. c/o British Museum Natural History. 1986 This new, much needed guide to our British