21 Naturalists' Trust's Reserves provides details of its history, natural history, conser- vation, modern problems and it's future. It also includes species lists of higher plants, mosses, lichens, birds, butterflies and other insects. Five maps are also included, but the four photographs are poorly printed. It is an excellent source of information of what is to be found and whether a discovery is a new record. TONY BONIFACE REPORTS OF MEETINGS MAMMAL MEETING, DAWN RED SQUIRREL COUNT AND DEER WATCH, THETFORD FOREST, 10TH MAY, 1986 Eight Essex Field Club Members and two guests joined the 40 or so other enthusiasts this year attending the annual Red Squirrel Survey organised by the Forestry Commission in Thetford Forest. Thankfully the drizzle, which had threatened at dawn during the drive up from Essex, had stopped by the time we assembled in the car park of the Forestry Commission Headquarters at Santon Downham, Norfolk for the 6.00 a.m. start. It was still overcast, but it was dry and fairly mild - good conditions for the survey. After a brief introduction from the organiser the party split into small groups, each led by a Forester who had been assigned specific blocks of forest to survey.