23 points from which the squirrel can keep a look-out for danger whilst feeding. As with Grey Squirrels, Red Squirrels will eat acorns and beech mast when available. Acorns tend to be split, rather than gnawed as they are by mice and voles. Squirrels also eat some toadstools, and these will bear the marks of the incisor teeth, much larger than the toothmarks of mice and voles, and readily distinguishable from the peck-marks of birds, and the irregular holes and slime trails left by slugs. Other signs include young conifer shoots bitten through, and spiral strips of peeled bark on conifer trunks. Dreys may be of two types. Main dreys are spherical structures about a foot in diameter. Constructed from conifer twigs and lined with grass and moss, they are built against the main trunk of the tree, usually at a height of at least 8 m., though occasionally lower. They are used for breeding and for winter shelter. The smaller, more open summer dreys, used for sleeping or resting, may be situated farther out on the branches, where they could be confused with the platform-like nests of Wood Pigeons. Actual sightings of Red Squirrels are relatively rare, since population densities are typically lower than those of Grey Squirrels, which typically inhabit broad- leaved woodland, where food is more plentiful. In the Thetford area, Red Squirrel population densities are about two per block - easily