25 now a beautiful sunny afternoon, and we had splendid views of Muntjac, Hare and Fox, all at close Ouarters. Altogether a most enjoyable meeting.' PETER LESWELL BIRD MEETING, FRIDAY WOOD, 18TH MAY, 1986 Although it was a pleasant enough day weatherwise, only four members met at this usually favoured venue. Whilst merely the most fleeting glimpses of the Nightingale were obtained, they were in good song, and certainly between six and eight singing males were located. Warblers were also elusive, but Blackcap, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler and Chiff-chaff were heard during the day. A grand total of 23 species was seen and a further 10 more heard; not a large tally maybe, and with no rarities, but it was certainly pleasing to know that the Night- ingales were in their usual numbers despite the losses some species of migrants have suffered crossing the drought areas of Africa. What a pity that so few members were present to hear and enjoy their beautiful song. JOHN BATH