2 8 chicken manure, while the other, though surrounded by trees, was colonised almost exclusively by Ceratophyllum demersum, and careful searching revealed the presence of the stonewort Nitella flexilis. On one of the crumbling brick tombs to the south of the church a few stunted fronds of Polypody fern completed the unusual finds for the day . KEN ADAMS BIRD MEETING, EPPING FOREST, 31ST MAY, 1986 Seldom can so few members have walked so far to see so little on a more miserable day. It rained steadily all day as the four of us followed the Green Ride northward from Jacks Hill. The only birds seen were Magpie, Bluetit, Mistle and Song Thrushes, Blackbird and Robin, although hidden in the thick canopy of the forest we also heard Stock Dove, Wren, Greenfinch, Willow Warbler and Chiff-chaff. Several grey squirrels were seen, but the area can only be described as unrewarding for the birdwatcher at this season. JOHN PATH BOTANY MEETING, LATTON COMMON AND LATTON PARK, 7TH JUNE, 1986 Having been refused permission to visit the