31 tussocks of Carex remota, an unusual habit for this species, no doubt an adaptation to a fluctuating water level. In the remaining area of open water the liverwort Riccia fluitans grew with Lemna minor and L. trisulca , and the moss Mnium punctatum occurred on a log in the pond. As the party left the two woodlands there was a general feeling that hopefully, one day not too far in the future, the conifers would be removed and the broadleaves allowed to recolonise. KEN ADAMS BIRD MEETING, DAWN CHORUS MEETING, MILL GREEN COMMON, INGATESTONE, 9TH JUNE, 1986 It was a fine, dry, bright morning when we arrived at Mill Green Common at 3.28 a.m. We were greeted by a cock crowing, which seemed to echo around the whole common. The following was the order in which we heard birdsong:- 3.33 Mallard 3.39 Blackbird 3.40 Moorhen 3.41 Thrush 3.42 Tawny Owl (male) 3.43 Collared Dove 3.43 Full crescendo of bird song 3.44 Cuckoo 3.50 Willow Warbler