32 3.55 Robin 4.04 Woodpigeon 4.06 House Sparrow 4.08 Yellow Hammer 4.15 Crow 4.15 Whitethroat 4.26 Wren 4.30 Swallow 4.50 Chaffinch We were very disappointed by the absence of Nightingales and a few other species we had expected to hear. However, it was a wonderful experience marred only by the absence of Michael Parker - we wish him well and look forward to the next dawn chorus meeting under his leadership and expertise. ADRIAN VERNON & MARGARET MITCHELL BIRD MEETING, MILL GREEN WOODS 15TH JUNE, 1986 Our usual walk around the Mill Green - Fryerning - Highwood complex was for once blessed with fine weather. The summer migrants held our attention, naturally, more than the resident species. Both Blackcap and Garden Warbler were singing well and invited comparison; the shorter but sweeter toned phrasing of the smaller species contrasting with the longer bursts of Garden Warbler. On the more open area of Mill Green Common,