47 nepeta was located. H. perpropinquum s.s was found abundantly all over the Backwarden and main part of Danbury Common, and in the area just north of the gravel pit an extensive colony of a large plant tentatively identi- fied as a form of H. trichocaulon was found. This was sparsely hairy above, with glandular hairs on the phyllaries and some long white, bulbous based hairs and the (up to 15) stem leaves had long, forward pointing teeth. After lunch the older parts of Galleywood Common were explored for Hieracia. Numerous very large plants of H. umbellatum were found along the track west of the church, in the surrounding woodland, and along the road beside the racetrack and down the hill leading to Margaretting. H_. perpropinquum was also found all over the common. The bogs cleared some years ago by the Chelmsford Group of the E.N.T. were found to be sadly overgrown and the several acres of Equisetum sylvaticum were reduced to a few clumps. Several plants of Lesser Skullcap (Scutellaria minor) were located in one of the bogs and in the main stream. A series of black and white silhouettes is being prepared of all our Essex Hieracium species to produce a guide to their identi- fication. Any Hieracium records for Essex with precise grid references would be appreciated. H. salticola has been found in three sites in Epping Forest, in Hainault Forest, and on a road verge by High Warren, Theydon Mount. This large H. sabauda group species has numerous leaves with long, forward pointing teeth, and undulating margins, and an elongated inflorescence with glabrous phyllaries. It is said to be introduced