48 and appears to be spreading, so keep a look out for it. KEN ADAMS BIRD MEETING, HEYBRIDGE BASIN AND GRAVEL PITS. 31ST AUGUST, 1986 The Gravel Pits were uncharacteristically quiet; 175 Canada geese, a few Mallard and Tufted duck, a male Pochard, the odd Coot and Moorhen and a pair of Little grebe were seen. A Common sandpiper and a Ringed plover were unbelievably the only waders. On the Blackwater, things were not a lot better; Gulls of all the common species were numerous and interest picked up on the return walk with three Redshank, a Greenshank, seven more Ringed plover and, best of all, seven Spotted redshank feeding in deep water with vigorous lateral bill sweeps, very reminiscent of Spoonbills. Three Common terns were seen fishing in mid- river, where a Cormorant was robbed of a large Eel by a Lesser black-backed gull. A number of Yellow wagtails seen around the gravel pits was the only real sign of Autumn movement. Eight Butterfly species were seen MARTIN HENRY